Elenny is a Bilingual (English/Spanish) Registered Nurse. It is Elenny’s passion to help the most vulnerable population. Her nursing focus is geared toward learning more about senior citizens, their experiences, and their medical and social needs. 20+ years of nursing experience and her passionate and charismatic personality helps Elenny build long-lasting trust and relationships.
You need a trustworthy nurse that guides you to utilize community resources as you transition from home to a safe and meaningful senior living experience. This transition needs to provide you with quality living and medical care standards.
The ultimate goal is to provide you hope and support. In addition, it should ease the transitioning process for you and your family.
Twenty year of experience helping the senior population in different stages of their lives.
We provide hope and support to the Senior Community and their families. Support includes planning, organizing, downsizing, moving, remodeling and selling the home to adjust to your new health and social demands.
We direct and help use the available community resources as you are making the transition.
Empowering you and your family with knowledge and resources will lead to informed decision. It will allow you to reap the benefits of living a happy and productive lifestyle with the full support of the medical and social resources available in the community.